1948-03-04 Tough Guy

Tough Guy was broadcast the same week when the news that the Anchor-Hocking sponsored broadcasts would be coming to a close. The end would come three weeks later. CBS was still negotiating at this time for sponsorship by Toni, maker of home permanent kits. CBS was prepared to run Casey as a sustaining feature if it all fell through. An upcoming blog will detail how the switch from A-H to Toni occurred. These are two clips announcing that the end was near.

1948-03-03 Canandaigua NY Daily Messenger
Post a reply 1948-146

1948-03-03 Green Bay WI Press-Gazette
Post a reply 1948-147

Tough Guy is a basic Casey episode that has nothing to distinguish it in the storyline. The epilogue at the Blue Note, however, has Casey and Ann in talk that is more romantic in action than the usual arms-length flirty talk. Just three weeks ago (Key Witness), it seemed pretty clear that Ann was upset with the lack of attention paid to her, but it's all forgotten. That is, Alonzo Deen Cole may have forgotten all about it.

ADC continuity notes...
Clint Morris holds up the Sutter Ave. Theatre, and his girlfriend and partner in crime, Betty Summers, kills her boss, the theatre manager. Light is thrown on their crime when taxi driver, Izzy Goldfarb, reports to police a suspicious man in gray who asked to be driven past the Sutter Ave. theatre about three times, and after getting tough with him about paying his fare, gives Izzy a five-spot and tells him to forget that he ever saw him. While at the station, a report comes in of the holdup and murder at the theatre and the description points to Clint Morris, the man in gray. Police pick up Morris and while holding him for the murder, the owner of a drug- store at the corner of the theatre, tells police that he saw Morris at the same time as the murder with two other fellows, thus, establishing an alibi for Morris. Casey, realizing that Morris deliberately called attention to himself and made himself look guilty by his actions with the cab driver, decides that Morris might be working with the cashier, Betty Summers, since she was the only one who saw him. Casey goes to see Morris before he is released and tells him that he and Betty are becoming quite friendly, and that he is to see Betty again that night, hoping to make Morris angry enough to spill some information. He then goes to Betty's apartment with the same idea and tells her that Morris left broken-hearted girls all over the country, usually with their money. While at Betty's apartment, Morris comes in, as Casey had hoped, and furious because he thought Betty had played him for a sap, he tries to kill her. Police crash in as Betty and Morris tell enough to convict themselves of the crime.

2:27 Taxi driver stumbles over dialogue, recovers.

6:25 Casey is a little flirtations in his comments to Betty as he gets her to pose for some pictures. He tells Logan she's cute. This establishes that Morris gets jealous about the way other men look at her, which is important to the ending of the story.

8:30 Casey notices the layout of the theater and the possible escape route. 9:40 Casey notes how the sound of the crime movie being shown may have muffled the actual shooting. Some of the circumstances are piquing Casey's curiosity that it may have been an inside job.

10:49 Ethelbert calls down for Walter to bring coffee to Casey. No dialogue.

17:37 Casey starts to lay it on thick to Morris that he's enjoying Betty's company. He says "she's too easy to know." The adults in the audience knew what that was. The kids listening didn't. Casey was considered okay for families, and Cole wrote that way.

20:08 Casey tells Betty how smart Morris is to distance himself from his partner-in-crime. Then he plants the idea that Morris has been in other parts of the country and "loves them and leaves them." Sparks are bound to fly when they meet.

22:30 Morris and Summers start the dialogue that Casey hoped to kindle, and their crime is exposed. At  23:20 Logan, the police, and Casey barge in, and arrest them.

Cole using liked jealousy as a means to get suspects to turn against each other and admit their crimes. A similar one was used in 1947-08-14 The Chivalrous Gunman.

One of the more romantic discussions between Casey and Ann in the series is during the Blue Note epilogue. In explaining why the jealousy angle worked, 25:47 Ann tells Ethelbert that "Casey knows all about love... he learned from books." Similar comments can also be found in Chivalrous Gunman. The two of them start a flirtatious dialogue to kid Ethelbert. He says "I don't approve of spoofin' the... the tender passion" which gets a good chuckle from the audience. Then, for real, Casey and Ann head off together.

RadioGoldindex lists Joe Julian in the cast.

Casey 48-03-04 227 Tough Guy UPGRADE-2.mp3
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1948-03-04 Camden NJ Courier-Post
Post a reply 1948-148

1948-03-04 Mason City IA Globe-Gazette
Post a reply 1948-149