1948-01-15 220 The Miracle

The Miracle is a lesser episode of Casey that relies on the listener's acceptance replacing one person with another one and assuming that no one could tell the difference or that the imposter won't mess something up. A similar plot was used in the (mostly awful) Clue in the Clouds, but that was not a Cole script. The show is entertaining despite what seems to be a rather large hole in the solution... or more precisely, a large bald spot in the plot.

ADC continuity notes...
A reputable physician has advised multimillionaire, Foster Blayne, that he must put his affairs in order because he is dying of an incurable disease. Blayne eagerly accepts the suggestion of his confidential secy Homer Weldon, that he put himself under the care of a "Doctor" Hans Von Telburg, who claims to cure incurables. After spending many months in Von Telburg's private sanitarium, Blayne is restored to his daughter Marion in perfect health. The miraculous cure is big news and Casey and Ann are assigned to cover the story. Casey becomes suspicious of Von Telburg and begins private investigation of the case. He learns that Marion Blayne is similarly suspicious and that she cannot wholeheartedly accept the "cured" Foster Blayne as her father. Then Blayne is found murdered apparently by his secretary Weldon who (again apparently) afterwards committed suicide. Casey and Ann encounter great difficulties and great danger before they solve this exciting, thrilling mystery.
It's interesting at the beginning of the show there is a push for the March of Dimes. Weeks ago, the Damon Runyon Cancer Fund was in the original script for The Case of the Blonde Lipstick but was written out by the time of broadcast.

The story plays out over a number of months, while most Casey scripts are a day or days.

3:00 There is an argument about Von Telburg being a quack or not, and Marion Blayne puts up quite a fight against it. In light of the way the story plays out, you have to think this argument was part of the fraud scheme.

5:16 Time passes, and Foster Blayne has completely recovered. Marion calls him "a new man"... ain't that the truth! Marion is friendly with Casey and Ann because they helped recover some jewelry several years ago. I can't locate what episode that might have been, so it just may be innocuous for this episode to explain the exclusive story opportunity for Casey and Ann. Casey is suspicious of the cure, but has to accept it for now.

9:10 Marion calls Ann asking for a confidential meeting with her and Casey.

10:45 Marion tells Ann and Casey that she needs to talk to them "off the record." She says she is scared. She says she's concerned that Von Telburg brought an imposter as her father. The meeting is interrupted by Foster Blayne whom she calls "father" in a sarcastic way.

13:10 Ann reports that she spoke to Marion, and she was now convinced there was no imposter. Casey is still skeptical because of the wealth of Blayne. Casey does mention that "even twins are different" and that a plastic surgeon could assist in making a similar-looking person look like someone else.

15:00 Logan is called by Marion to report that her father has been murdered by Weldon, who then committed suicide.

19:00 Casey and Ann decide to go to the funeral home where the wake for Foster Blayne will be. Casey  looks at the body in the casket and realizes the hairline is slightly different, and that there is stubble where the bald spot should be.

21:31 Casey says to Marion "you carry a gun, I see" in this episode's firearm suddenly in the scene dialogue.

22:40 Under threat of her gun, she brings Ann and Casey to Von Telburg's house. In a scuffle, Casey reveals the plot. Marion would have killed Casey and Ann and her killing of Von Telburg would be made to look like a suicide.

24:35 Marion's explanation is far too calm in its delivery. It's an outlandish plot that requires too much dialogue to explain. We do learn that Marion convinced Foster's brother to play along. But what about the brother's other life? Did he just tell everyone he was going on a long vacation?

Body count: the real Foster Blayne died from his illness, Marion killed Foster's brother to destroy the evidence, and Weldon because he knew too much. She was on the path to kill Casey, Ann, and Von Telburg, too! Only the butler would have survived.

"Von Telberg" is a totally made-up name, but it sounds real and authoritative.

There is a flaw in the solution of the case, unless the twins were paternal twins, and even then it's a stretch. Casey's "even twins are different" holds as a totality of being separate persons, but baldness is unlikely to be one of those characteristics. Identical male twins, in most all cases, will both be bald in similar patterns, though the timing of their baldness can be affected by diet, health, activities, and other factors, including how often they wear hats. The character in the story is in his mid-50s, and by that age, the baldness patterns should have caught up with each other. But one of the twins had to shave a bald area to match. Even with paternal twins, the genetic background is the same, and likely to have both siblings be bald, but there can be enough uniqueness that the probabilities are lower, but still more than likely. Cole does not explain it, and perhaps the studies that analyzed this were not available at that time, and we know that detailed understanding of DNA would not be until decades after this broadcast.

RadioGoldindex lists Ann Loring in the cast. Loring was in the news earlier in the year for filing for divorce from actor Herbert Rudley. What made it unique was that Loring filed suit against Rudley's love interest.
RadioGoldindex http://www.radiogoldindex.com/cgi-local/p4.cgi?ArtistName=Lorring,%20Ann&ArtistNumber=02023
IMDb https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0520989/?ref_=nv_sr_srsg_1

Casey 48-01-15 220 The Miracle UPGRADE.mp3
Degoo https://cloud.degoo.com/e/drive-cmia4ic3exkk
hubiC http://ovh.to/fH1845

There were no newspaper clippings for this episode. They may not have been issued because the CBS public relations offices may have been closed because of the holidays and the big NY City snow storms.
The script was re-used in the 1954-1955 revival series on 1954-10-15 as Life for Sale.